Friday, November 26, 2010

Seeing through Planetshakers

‘JesusMyComforter’ commented…
I went there on going for four years..non stop without missing a service..(even come when you are sick they say..) which isnt always a good thing..I vomited once on the way.
They ask for Tithes 10% of your offerings (to show the guest pastors that visit the church you are grateful and love them) and then Gift Offerings..A gift to God, ontop of your 10% tithe..and love you OWE god your tithe..and SHOULD give a love offering..but you now have a wonderful opportunity to give a “gift” to the Lord.
After that…..there was nothing left. I was bled dry. When people would come up to me homeless on the street…I wanted to give to them too (buy a meal for example) as I know it is with people that Jesus’ heart is…not at music concerts! However I would still try and give them money I starving at one point…….
However ontop of all this asking, they also remind you to buy conference tickets for your friends and relatives…….
ALL YOUR MONEY GOES TO THEM……..NOT GOD………….BECAUSE PEOPLE IN THAT CHURCH ARE HOMELESS AND STARVING LIVING ON FOOD VOUCHERS and they are building “Planetshaker” Campuses in Geelong and South Africa!! Is this right? To ignore the people sitting infront of you struggling, but to help people overseas?
I have come from a very bad traumatic background and the Main Pastor made a comment of people “going back to their caravans”. Are all people who live in caravans trash? Is this what Jesus would say? Would Jesus say Go back to your caravan if you didnt do what he said?
No..Jesus would never do that.
Once at one of the conferences…….The same pastor made a comment about his wife not needing a face lift (lovely and true) however he was targeting Joyce Meyers, a world preacher who is healing millions of people due to abuse in their life! Who could possibly bag out Joyce Meyers?? She had a facelift…GET OVER IT…….look at the good she is doing!!

Whe I first started going to Planetshakers..I got an email saying something along the lines of “we are sorry to inform you Mike Guglimucci previous pastor did not have cancer!” I couldnt help but think it was a wonderful thing that he didnt have cancer (whoever he was)……. Very strange wording considering it was good news!
On top of that….I know 100% that they would have discerned this guglimucci guy was not right…..but because they are hanging onto things of the world..such as money, power, fame and vanity..they did not care! And this is what happened…….Many girls always did their hair and make up in the bathrooms…..
come on guys?? IS THERE NOT A CAUSE? It wasnt about jesus………it was a concert……..
I felt sad there all the time………but now i am gone..
did anyone else feel this way?”
  1. Pete Aldin says:
    Thank goodness someone’s had the sense to say this. I suspected it from the beginning. Let’s just walk away from groups like this and forget about them. They’re like little children: whether you’re giving them good press or bad press, they’re happy. As long as they’re getting attention. :)
  2. Beg to differ says:
    So does this mean that if i go to planetshakers church and get saved and have a powerful life changing encounter with God that its false and Im just living a fantasy? I refuse and rebuke that thought because this has happened to me and I love planetshakers church!
    I am very sorry to hear this account and pray that wherever the author is that Gods blessing is upon them and pray that they find a great church to keep growing!
    In regards to going to church even when your sick – i believe its a personal choice. I hate getting sick especially vomiting, but PS are hardly to blame. Planetshakers church doesnt hold a role-call as im sure every church doesnt, yet im sure they would have meant it with good intentions (healing/prayer team ready) when they said to come even if ur sick. If i had a serious illness there would not be a better place than at the alter and have people pray for me because Gods words says to bring the sick for the elders to anoint them with oil for healing etc….
    In regards to tithing and accusing planetshakers of leeching: I give my tithe because its a biblical principle… 10% belongs to God and we are to BRING IT to the storehouse/his house – its in HIS WORD. God looks at the heart and I would rather look to God and honour his word than worry about how the church is using the money. Because at the end of the day they have to deal with God if they are doing wrong not me! And at the end of the day when we bring or tithe/give offering… we do so IN FAITH… its not faith when you question and worry about where that money is going to.
    In regards to love offerings etc…. its a matter of the heart! Ive never felt influenced to give more than i have prepared. although sometimes i have felt convicted… but those times where wen i didnt prepare my tithe so i felt i should give something but nothing can replace giving God whats his so the 90% is blessed!
    With the comment about buying conference tickets for family and friends – its obviously for those who have the means to. You really shouldnt have starved so if you helped people out and starved then im sure God saw your heart. I think its great to be a blessing to someone and even mroe amazing that if you cant afford to go there are people in the church willing to bless you too-just reach out!
    ANYWAYS I could keep going but i will leave it here for now.
    At the end of the day if planetshakers, or any other church wasnt doing the right thing the church would not propser because we know God is not one to mess with! Even looking at Mike Gugz… many could never have imaged what he was hiding but at the end of the day everything was brought into the light and everything stopped.
    Planetshakers is not a “group” but a church and if that church is covered by the blood of Jesus and you judge it…. your not judging them but your judging Jesus because his blood is covering them!
    Ps im a new christian and would have loved to add scriptures but im still learning everyday by the Grace of God!
  3. teddy says:
    @ Beg To Differ – “In regards to tithing and accusing planetshakers of leeching: I give my tithe because its a biblical principle… 10% belongs to God and we are to BRING IT to the storehouse/his house – its in HIS WORD”
    So you are Jewish, still under the Law?
    No, of course not. You are under grace, don’t believe the erroneous teaching about the 10% tithe. Give, and give generously, the Lord loves a cheerful giver – search the scriptures, see the Truth written there for the New Covenant believer.
    Read this article “Thoughts On Tithing” by John Macarthur ….
  4. Churchman says:
    Beg to Differ. I see you’re a new Christian. Fantastic! That’s great. And it’s great that you found Jesus at Planetshakers and are so happy. Keep reading the Word, praying, and develop deep relationships with other Christians. Cool.
    Just two comments.
    You said, “At the end of the day if planetshakers, or any other church wasnt doing the right thing the church would not propser because we know God is not one to mess with!”
    Actually God lets lost of crazy groups, even non-Christian ones “prosper”, if by that you mean grow in numbers and have lots of money and buildings. Look around. And if Planetshakers or any other church has a decrease in numbers or money, it won’t necessarily mean that God’s blessing has gone. These things happen.
    Second. you said, “God looks at the heart and I would rather look to God and honour his word than worry about how the church is using the money. Because at the end of the day they have to deal with God if they are doing wrong not me! its not faith when you question and worry about where that money is going to.
    I think you have a great heart and a great attitude. But don’t let anyone tell you that you are lacking in faith if you question something. Please! Questions are good. They can save your life.
    Lastly, if you read the article Teddy introduced, and you study the scriptures, and decided that macarthur is wrong and tithing is right, go for it! If you on the other hand, realize that tithing is not a requirement for New Testament believers, don’t throw away everything you have been taught at Planetshakers. I’m sure there are great people there. ANd that they teach a lot of great stuff.
    But one thing I can say is that not a lot of preachers have really studied much about tithing – it was a lot more complex than what you might have been led to believe.
    God bless. And remember mostly reality and truth is somewhere between two extremes
    There’s room between 1. Planetshakers is the best church and nothing is wrong because they are prospering so I shouldn’t question anything and 2. Planetshakers is a money cult where nobody experiences God.
  5. teddy says:
    @ Beg To Differ – this site will give quick, clear answers to many questions including tithing…
  6. Leigh Kennedy says:
    @teddy “So you are Jewish, still under the Law?”
    Of course we are still to follow the Law. Grace doesn’t mean we are exempt from the Law, grace is actually empowerment to go beyond one’s natural ability to follow God. God put the Law there to protect us.
    Just because the Old Testament is way in the past; it doesn’t mean it no longer applies to God’s children who are saved by the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
    @The writer of this article: I’m actually from Planetshakers and they’ve done nothing but encourage me to grow in God!
    I’m sorry you gave out of compulsion. I doubt someone actually put a gun against your head and told you to, hey? I honestly don’t care how right you think you are (along with anyone else). It is for God to judge who wolves on sheep’s clothing are, not us!
    I pray God has dealt with your heart between the time you wrote this, and now. If not, then I pray He will.
  7. Just Another Christian says:
    Actually, Leigh, grace DOES mean we don’t follow the Law. I’m sure Planetshakers don’t teach you to eat Kosher foods. I’m sure you don’t stone people who are adulterers. You see where I”m going?
    I”m not trying to be sarcastic. It’s an either/or situation. Either Law or Grace. Read Galatians. Take a look at the incredibly ignorant man who tried to obey everything in the Bible for a year as a way of dissing it (“The Year of Living Biblically” was his book), or on a more positive note Philip Yancy’s book “What’s So Amazing About Grace?”
    Also it absolutely IS up to us to discern who are the wolves. Why else would Jesus COMMAND us to watch out for them?
    And heads up, Leigh, when you use phrases like “God has dealt with your heart” … it comes across as judgmental. :)

    *credits to:


  1. 1 Statement rings true about planetshakers above all else:

    "Pay to Pray"

    I attended and volunteered for the Church every Sunday as a favour to my now ex-Girlfriend for the previous 2 years, in addition to attending fortnightly home groups. The major focus of the church leadership is extracting as much money from the congregation as possible. That much is clear.

    Tithe, buy our books, donate to our building fund, give a 'love offering,' buy food at our café (but we don't pay the staff,) buy our CD's, attend our Premium seminars, buy tickets to our rock concert (I mean conference.)

    The church has a vested interest in making its followers feel disillusioned, that they're somehow broken and in need of 'fixing.' (If you're reading this you're not broken, you're the master of your own destiny, you have the power to make the decisions that will affect your life for better or worse.) And that the only way to get fixed is to come to Church, attend Church events and critically buy church products. But it's like a heroin addict; Always chasing the Dragon and never quite getting there. As each Sunday they're up on stage telling you how much harder you have to work to 'get right with god.'

    The Church's bread and butter recruiting is also akin to drug dealers, going after the easy targets, the low hanging fruit in our University's and Schools. Foreign students, outcasts, the socially awkward, Single parents, those with small social groups. They approach and offer 'free samples.' Once involved in the Church social group and Church Calendar these people are effectively trapped. As leaving the Church means leaving the social structure. I know that since I've stopped attending I no longer feel as if I'd be welcomed at any of my previous 'Church Friends' Homes. (A friendship that depends on religious views is not a friendship worth investing in.)

    If you're reading this post and are curious about Planetshakers or any other Modern Pentecostal Church. Attend, but attend objectively. Attend as an observer, read between the lines. See who the power brokers are and assess their motives. Speak to people who have left the church and listen objectively. Speak to those in the church, I can assure you they will do their best to make you feel welcome, but be aware that at the end of the day, a bum on a seat is more $$ in the kitty. And that's the bottom line.

    As a final note of point:

    -7 night Buddhist temple retreat in Melbourne, that includes: accommodation, food, texts and audio CD's (if requested,) instruction, discussion and seminars from the monks and transport if required. A week of quiet contemplation with time to reflect and meditate on instruction. FREE. I had to ask if it were possible to make a donation.

    -Planetshakers conference: 3 days, no accommodation, no food, no transport, constant requests for donations, $90AUD ticket price. Loud, no time to reflect. Constantly being told this and that by the preachers with no chance to engage in public dialogue.

    Through the valorisation of a single code, a universal morality that dictates what is good and evil. Christian morality keeps people in line, it renders people an undifferentiated mass that smothers the individuals will to power. It give people a convenient excuse to be ordinary. Most of the time people resist the urge to stand apart, they’re afraid to be different, to be alone and thus are more likely to assimilate.

    But you should aspire to be exceptional.

    1. Hey there - my name is Reid Butler. I'm a journalist at Channel 9 who would be interested in talking to you about your experience. My email is I'd love it if you could get in touch with me. Thank you.

  2. Reading the comments, a major assumption becomes clear. It seems that people associate charitable activities with truth of the belief system. Muslims run charitable organisations (with millions of grateful beneficiaries). There are numerous stories of drug cartels exercising very charitable acts.

    I went to a Planetshaker's Church in Melbourne and Geelong for some time. At that time, I was more intrigued and looking for a church to attend while I was completing my medical studies.

    After the first service I had some many red flags popping up in my head, that I was tempted to leave that very first day. For one reason or another I tried to stay, but a few months later, I literally had to get out lest I vomit.

    There is no doubt that Planetshakers is a church involved in charitable activities or that some people experience conversion there. However, that says nothing about the validity of their "belief system". Belief system (dogma) is important particularly to professed followers of Christ (Galatians 1:8 makes it clear that doctrine is of utmost importance). In fact, according to Jesus, many false teachers (perversion of the true doctrine) disguise themselves by performing acts of charity or even converting people and giving them a new life changing experience (Matthew 7:15).

    The problem with Planetshakers is that their doctrine is perverted. The main focus, I think all would agree, is not on "theology" but experience. Experience is heightened by appealing to emotions through emotional music, dubious prophecies and stage theatrics (dimming of lights, etc). The sermons have a common template - a passage of Scripture is read from which a key word is singled out (or a concept ) and the rest of the sermon is spent talking about the chosen word mostly through personal examples. I once calculated that on 3 to 4 passages are read on a given Sunday and about 90% of the sermon is occupied by personal examples or exhortation to some popular psychology. Most topics are are either "popular psychology" or "self-help" genre. No wonder the church is growing! Self-help books have long topped every chart in terms of sales!

    Sadly, Pastor Evans in particular or the Planetshakers Church in general, only has a superficial understanding of Scriptures, or of God for that matter. His teaching is more "experience-based prosperity" which, of course, significantly departs from the Biblical standard. Numerous specific examples can be cited.

    Every Christian needs to ask what they are committed to: Jesus Christ or personal gain. The choice is clear. If it is Jesus, then you have to "pick up your cross" meaning you can't have a arthopocentric view but have to surrender all your life (including want of prosperity, wealth and importance) to Jesus. Note, if you do this expecting to "sow and then reap in this life many times more " (as Evans teaches), you have already missed the mark.
