Friday, November 26, 2010

Children's MInistry

About Time

Friday, August 6th, 2010
Our latest podcast is up on iTunes (CM1234), it’s been a while! Recorded in Manila.
Hear some of what we have been up to lately as we prepare for KIDSHAPER TASTE!
You can also listen to our latest Kidshaper Podcast by going to the Kidshaper Blog.


Monday, June 28th, 2010
What an a amazing camp! We have just returned home from our annual CAMP RED. The camp sold out for the first time, we even had to order another bus. We had prayed with focus and intensity over the camp and the results were amazing. No home sickness, accidents, illness or issues. Every child who didn’t follow Jesus now does! And children were filled with the Holy Spirit. The creativity of the team is amazing creating Major Disruption and Private Joke, the Ricky report, Aunty Sunta, the Shifty Penguins , and the Game King had kids laughing gasping and shouting. Ted Hatza our local genius came up with the bright idea of having a few tonnes of soil delivered so he could wet it down and create the first CAMP RED mud fight. I love camp time, seeing kids dance and sing and celebrate God is so exciting.
The weekend was capped off with a new record we cracked the 300! Thankyou Lord!

4 on Saying NO to Temptation Released!

Friday, May 14th, 2010
We are VERY excited! Our latest 4 module, ‘4 on Saying NO to Temptation’ is available now @ !
One of the most valuable things that we can teach our kids is how to respond to temptation. 4 on Saying No to Temptation! teaches the 4 R’s – Recognize it, Resist it, Run from it and Repeat it – that will equip children to understand what temptation is and how they can overcome it.
Week 1: Recognize It
This week, Rob takes us back to Adam and Eve and shows us where temptation comes from and how to recognize it.
Pulse: Temptation is something I’ve seen before, so I’ll recognize it and shut the door.
Week 2: Resist It
Jen brings the word this week and reminds us of how David was able to resist temptation when Saul was chasing him.
Pulse: Prayer is an action that stops the attraction
Week 3: Run From It
This week, Paul shares with us about how a mighty man of God had to run away from temptation at Potiphar’s house.
Pulse: Temptation wants to talk to you, but only about the fun. But you know you’ll only get in trouble, so get out of there, RUN!
Week 4: Repeat It
Rob walks us through all of the ways that the enemy tempted Jesus in the desert. He shows us how, through scripture, Jesus was able to resist.
Pulse: Sin wants to make you weak, like a little kitten. Next time you are tempted, repeat ‘it is written.’


Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
Well another Planetshakers conference has come and gone, Hisense arena was jammed, and our conference continues to grow in numbers creativity and power. The kids conference, ’Planetshaker Kids go ARMY’ was a huge success as well. Early childhood sold out, and the primary program almost doubled.
Post event, and there is always that mix of emotions. The sense of accomplishment, pride in the team, the encouragement from the parents reports and the joy of the next morning sleep in!
It is easy to move on from the event into the luring arms of sleep and then into the next date on the calendar. However this is the best time to evaluate and strategize for the next event. We sometimes think  everything that happened will be recorded straight onto our brains, but the truth is we forget a lot of it, that’s why an evaluation time is important.
Post event evaluation can occur with the key leadership group, but I like to involve the entire team  brainstorming on ‘how we could do it better’ as quickly as possible while the event is fresh in their minds.
Question 1 I ask is where did we do really well? Starting the meeting focusing on the positive sets a foundation for the tone of the meeting
Question 2 where could we have performed better? I remind people that we need to be careful on how we offer up these responses. Sometimes the negatives spring to mind a lot quicker than the positives which is a reflection of where hearts are at. With that in mind the ‘De Bono’s black hats’ add to the meeting in a constructive manner. We don’t want to hide from where we had challenges, neither do we want someone’s response to bring the meeting down and hurt someone else’s ministry.
Question 3 I ask is for any other comments These are general miscellaneous comments related to the event.
Question 4 When is the party? Sometimes we blur from one event to the next without taking a break and celebrating. Israel fought some mighty battles but they also knew how to throw a party. Their festivals were to celebrate what God had done for them in  another particular situation.
After  my whiteboard full of ideas is recorded, I take those comments to our key leadership group for further evaluation after a few days rest.

Gather all your notes and save under the name of the event on your computer. The following year you will be surprised at how much you have forgotten and what great ideas your team came up with the year prior. Learning what did and didn’t work last time will put you streets ahead on the next event and ensure you are developing and progressing as a leader.
The window post conference is open for a very short time, so gather the view before the window shrinks and closes.
Now we kick up our heels (funny expression , I don’t wear heals, I kick up my Adidas’s) and have fun. We retell the stories of the event like Ted setting up the Planetshakerkids go Army at the wrong venue! I mean the stage was set!
All through conference we continued to have  a little fun with Ted saying the Etihad stadium had called and were wondering when he would be over;
“Er Ted, Acer arena  called and wanted to know when you are coming to set up.”
“Teddy, it’s Madison square garden they wont hold the booking much longer”
Then we even presented him with some invoices from other venues including the Woy Woy scout hall.
At the party we will throw some pictures up on screen and reminisce over another great God event, I will crank up the wood fired oven, we eat like kings and then we thank God for what he has done again.
Don’t complete running an event and collapse, go through he appraisal process. Spend some time and you will close the event strong and set yourself up for a brilliant event in the future.
You might want to even run a personal appraisal on how you led the event. Ask yourself the same questions the team was asked, include some mentors who saw you under pressure and ask them the same questions about you.


Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 1 Peter 2:1-3 Talks about growing UP in our salvation. As family pastor I want to see all of our kids grow UP into strong Christians who love God with the lot. But how do we do that? We are talking about building children’s lives, if we were building a structure we would use a plan, we wouldn’t just start putting down some concrete and putting up a a few beams (OK so my father in-law did that but he doesn’t count, he’s not in kids ministry) So what is the plan to see kids in our care grow UP in God?
Introducing the 7 steps up plan ( I tried to squeeze it into 4 but it just wouldn’t budge!)

1 CLUED UP We are the best kept secret in the community, families need to know we are in town, if more people knew more people would turn up
2 TURNING UP Now that they know about us, families begin to attend our program
3 CHANGE UP As they hear the gospel message and meet people who love God, the families start to change
4 JOINED UP Everyone wants to belong to something, we have designed a free kids membership card, they’re not joining the church, it simply means they are a part of Planetkids. When kids belong and are accepted they are far more likely to make a commitment to keep coming and growing. The card itself is just a plastic card that entitles a child to discounts off at our events. kids are proud to be a member of something and they love the card.
5 TRAINED UP Now kids are attending, we help them out with whatever it is they want to do. Singing, organising, up front skills etc
6 SERVE IT UP Kids who are trained can now begin to use their gift to serve at church or in our outreach. Marking rolls, singing, sound desk, running games etc
7 SPEAKING UP Now kids are sharing what God did for them with their friends. Their faith and gifts are growing UP

Plans are important, they detail our dreams and visions and give us something to follow. These posters are in all of our training rooms so that we follow the plan.

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