Friday, November 26, 2010

Christian band profile: Planetshakers



Christian band profile: Planetshakers

Planetshakers isn't just a pop and rock band. It is a youth movement in itself. Founded by the Paradise Community Church in Adelaide, Australia, Planetshakers sprung to life in 1979 performing for Paradise Community students.
It's main driving force, is key member Henry Seeley who is a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and the producer of the Planetshakers.
As well as Henry, there is Sam Evans, Michael Guglielmucci, Rudy Nikkerud, Matt Garner, drummer Mike Webber and Jonathon Hunt who is a guitarist and keyboard player.
'Saviour of the World' is the title of their 2007 phenomenal album that has had rave reviews. Along with the album they give a bonus DVD featuring live worship songs.
The Planetshakers intend to empower their listeners in-order to lead them towards the teachings of Jesus Christ. They combine their energetic musical talents with their zeal for God and all that is Christian by preaching and instructing their fans, as well as playing them music.
Their unique ability to empathize and connect with the needs of young people has led them to receive a huge following that is steadily spreading out across the globe. This combined with the bands enthusiasm and energy has helped to increase the annual attendance of the Paradise Community event to over 20,000.
The goal of the Planetshakers is to build more ministries and churches that young people can relate to, and if their past performances are anything to go by they might just achieve it.
Sources. file.html-13k usic.Artist-Planetshakers/Main 418htm-31k

*credits to:

Children's MInistry

About Time

Friday, August 6th, 2010
Our latest podcast is up on iTunes (CM1234), it’s been a while! Recorded in Manila.
Hear some of what we have been up to lately as we prepare for KIDSHAPER TASTE!
You can also listen to our latest Kidshaper Podcast by going to the Kidshaper Blog.


Monday, June 28th, 2010
What an a amazing camp! We have just returned home from our annual CAMP RED. The camp sold out for the first time, we even had to order another bus. We had prayed with focus and intensity over the camp and the results were amazing. No home sickness, accidents, illness or issues. Every child who didn’t follow Jesus now does! And children were filled with the Holy Spirit. The creativity of the team is amazing creating Major Disruption and Private Joke, the Ricky report, Aunty Sunta, the Shifty Penguins , and the Game King had kids laughing gasping and shouting. Ted Hatza our local genius came up with the bright idea of having a few tonnes of soil delivered so he could wet it down and create the first CAMP RED mud fight. I love camp time, seeing kids dance and sing and celebrate God is so exciting.
The weekend was capped off with a new record we cracked the 300! Thankyou Lord!

4 on Saying NO to Temptation Released!

Friday, May 14th, 2010
We are VERY excited! Our latest 4 module, ‘4 on Saying NO to Temptation’ is available now @ !
One of the most valuable things that we can teach our kids is how to respond to temptation. 4 on Saying No to Temptation! teaches the 4 R’s – Recognize it, Resist it, Run from it and Repeat it – that will equip children to understand what temptation is and how they can overcome it.
Week 1: Recognize It
This week, Rob takes us back to Adam and Eve and shows us where temptation comes from and how to recognize it.
Pulse: Temptation is something I’ve seen before, so I’ll recognize it and shut the door.
Week 2: Resist It
Jen brings the word this week and reminds us of how David was able to resist temptation when Saul was chasing him.
Pulse: Prayer is an action that stops the attraction
Week 3: Run From It
This week, Paul shares with us about how a mighty man of God had to run away from temptation at Potiphar’s house.
Pulse: Temptation wants to talk to you, but only about the fun. But you know you’ll only get in trouble, so get out of there, RUN!
Week 4: Repeat It
Rob walks us through all of the ways that the enemy tempted Jesus in the desert. He shows us how, through scripture, Jesus was able to resist.
Pulse: Sin wants to make you weak, like a little kitten. Next time you are tempted, repeat ‘it is written.’


Wednesday, April 14th, 2010
Well another Planetshakers conference has come and gone, Hisense arena was jammed, and our conference continues to grow in numbers creativity and power. The kids conference, ’Planetshaker Kids go ARMY’ was a huge success as well. Early childhood sold out, and the primary program almost doubled.
Post event, and there is always that mix of emotions. The sense of accomplishment, pride in the team, the encouragement from the parents reports and the joy of the next morning sleep in!
It is easy to move on from the event into the luring arms of sleep and then into the next date on the calendar. However this is the best time to evaluate and strategize for the next event. We sometimes think  everything that happened will be recorded straight onto our brains, but the truth is we forget a lot of it, that’s why an evaluation time is important.
Post event evaluation can occur with the key leadership group, but I like to involve the entire team  brainstorming on ‘how we could do it better’ as quickly as possible while the event is fresh in their minds.
Question 1 I ask is where did we do really well? Starting the meeting focusing on the positive sets a foundation for the tone of the meeting
Question 2 where could we have performed better? I remind people that we need to be careful on how we offer up these responses. Sometimes the negatives spring to mind a lot quicker than the positives which is a reflection of where hearts are at. With that in mind the ‘De Bono’s black hats’ add to the meeting in a constructive manner. We don’t want to hide from where we had challenges, neither do we want someone’s response to bring the meeting down and hurt someone else’s ministry.
Question 3 I ask is for any other comments These are general miscellaneous comments related to the event.
Question 4 When is the party? Sometimes we blur from one event to the next without taking a break and celebrating. Israel fought some mighty battles but they also knew how to throw a party. Their festivals were to celebrate what God had done for them in  another particular situation.
After  my whiteboard full of ideas is recorded, I take those comments to our key leadership group for further evaluation after a few days rest.

Gather all your notes and save under the name of the event on your computer. The following year you will be surprised at how much you have forgotten and what great ideas your team came up with the year prior. Learning what did and didn’t work last time will put you streets ahead on the next event and ensure you are developing and progressing as a leader.
The window post conference is open for a very short time, so gather the view before the window shrinks and closes.
Now we kick up our heels (funny expression , I don’t wear heals, I kick up my Adidas’s) and have fun. We retell the stories of the event like Ted setting up the Planetshakerkids go Army at the wrong venue! I mean the stage was set!
All through conference we continued to have  a little fun with Ted saying the Etihad stadium had called and were wondering when he would be over;
“Er Ted, Acer arena  called and wanted to know when you are coming to set up.”
“Teddy, it’s Madison square garden they wont hold the booking much longer”
Then we even presented him with some invoices from other venues including the Woy Woy scout hall.
At the party we will throw some pictures up on screen and reminisce over another great God event, I will crank up the wood fired oven, we eat like kings and then we thank God for what he has done again.
Don’t complete running an event and collapse, go through he appraisal process. Spend some time and you will close the event strong and set yourself up for a brilliant event in the future.
You might want to even run a personal appraisal on how you led the event. Ask yourself the same questions the team was asked, include some mentors who saw you under pressure and ask them the same questions about you.


Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 1 Peter 2:1-3 Talks about growing UP in our salvation. As family pastor I want to see all of our kids grow UP into strong Christians who love God with the lot. But how do we do that? We are talking about building children’s lives, if we were building a structure we would use a plan, we wouldn’t just start putting down some concrete and putting up a a few beams (OK so my father in-law did that but he doesn’t count, he’s not in kids ministry) So what is the plan to see kids in our care grow UP in God?
Introducing the 7 steps up plan ( I tried to squeeze it into 4 but it just wouldn’t budge!)

1 CLUED UP We are the best kept secret in the community, families need to know we are in town, if more people knew more people would turn up
2 TURNING UP Now that they know about us, families begin to attend our program
3 CHANGE UP As they hear the gospel message and meet people who love God, the families start to change
4 JOINED UP Everyone wants to belong to something, we have designed a free kids membership card, they’re not joining the church, it simply means they are a part of Planetkids. When kids belong and are accepted they are far more likely to make a commitment to keep coming and growing. The card itself is just a plastic card that entitles a child to discounts off at our events. kids are proud to be a member of something and they love the card.
5 TRAINED UP Now kids are attending, we help them out with whatever it is they want to do. Singing, organising, up front skills etc
6 SERVE IT UP Kids who are trained can now begin to use their gift to serve at church or in our outreach. Marking rolls, singing, sound desk, running games etc
7 SPEAKING UP Now kids are sharing what God did for them with their friends. Their faith and gifts are growing UP

Plans are important, they detail our dreams and visions and give us something to follow. These posters are in all of our training rooms so that we follow the plan.

Seeing through Planetshakers

‘JesusMyComforter’ commented…
I went there on going for four years..non stop without missing a service..(even come when you are sick they say..) which isnt always a good thing..I vomited once on the way.
They ask for Tithes 10% of your offerings (to show the guest pastors that visit the church you are grateful and love them) and then Gift Offerings..A gift to God, ontop of your 10% tithe..and love you OWE god your tithe..and SHOULD give a love offering..but you now have a wonderful opportunity to give a “gift” to the Lord.
After that…..there was nothing left. I was bled dry. When people would come up to me homeless on the street…I wanted to give to them too (buy a meal for example) as I know it is with people that Jesus’ heart is…not at music concerts! However I would still try and give them money I starving at one point…….
However ontop of all this asking, they also remind you to buy conference tickets for your friends and relatives…….
ALL YOUR MONEY GOES TO THEM……..NOT GOD………….BECAUSE PEOPLE IN THAT CHURCH ARE HOMELESS AND STARVING LIVING ON FOOD VOUCHERS and they are building “Planetshaker” Campuses in Geelong and South Africa!! Is this right? To ignore the people sitting infront of you struggling, but to help people overseas?
I have come from a very bad traumatic background and the Main Pastor made a comment of people “going back to their caravans”. Are all people who live in caravans trash? Is this what Jesus would say? Would Jesus say Go back to your caravan if you didnt do what he said?
No..Jesus would never do that.
Once at one of the conferences…….The same pastor made a comment about his wife not needing a face lift (lovely and true) however he was targeting Joyce Meyers, a world preacher who is healing millions of people due to abuse in their life! Who could possibly bag out Joyce Meyers?? She had a facelift…GET OVER IT…….look at the good she is doing!!

Whe I first started going to Planetshakers..I got an email saying something along the lines of “we are sorry to inform you Mike Guglimucci previous pastor did not have cancer!” I couldnt help but think it was a wonderful thing that he didnt have cancer (whoever he was)……. Very strange wording considering it was good news!
On top of that….I know 100% that they would have discerned this guglimucci guy was not right…..but because they are hanging onto things of the world..such as money, power, fame and vanity..they did not care! And this is what happened…….Many girls always did their hair and make up in the bathrooms…..
come on guys?? IS THERE NOT A CAUSE? It wasnt about jesus………it was a concert……..
I felt sad there all the time………but now i am gone..
did anyone else feel this way?”
  1. Pete Aldin says:
    Thank goodness someone’s had the sense to say this. I suspected it from the beginning. Let’s just walk away from groups like this and forget about them. They’re like little children: whether you’re giving them good press or bad press, they’re happy. As long as they’re getting attention. :)
  2. Beg to differ says:
    So does this mean that if i go to planetshakers church and get saved and have a powerful life changing encounter with God that its false and Im just living a fantasy? I refuse and rebuke that thought because this has happened to me and I love planetshakers church!
    I am very sorry to hear this account and pray that wherever the author is that Gods blessing is upon them and pray that they find a great church to keep growing!
    In regards to going to church even when your sick – i believe its a personal choice. I hate getting sick especially vomiting, but PS are hardly to blame. Planetshakers church doesnt hold a role-call as im sure every church doesnt, yet im sure they would have meant it with good intentions (healing/prayer team ready) when they said to come even if ur sick. If i had a serious illness there would not be a better place than at the alter and have people pray for me because Gods words says to bring the sick for the elders to anoint them with oil for healing etc….
    In regards to tithing and accusing planetshakers of leeching: I give my tithe because its a biblical principle… 10% belongs to God and we are to BRING IT to the storehouse/his house – its in HIS WORD. God looks at the heart and I would rather look to God and honour his word than worry about how the church is using the money. Because at the end of the day they have to deal with God if they are doing wrong not me! And at the end of the day when we bring or tithe/give offering… we do so IN FAITH… its not faith when you question and worry about where that money is going to.
    In regards to love offerings etc…. its a matter of the heart! Ive never felt influenced to give more than i have prepared. although sometimes i have felt convicted… but those times where wen i didnt prepare my tithe so i felt i should give something but nothing can replace giving God whats his so the 90% is blessed!
    With the comment about buying conference tickets for family and friends – its obviously for those who have the means to. You really shouldnt have starved so if you helped people out and starved then im sure God saw your heart. I think its great to be a blessing to someone and even mroe amazing that if you cant afford to go there are people in the church willing to bless you too-just reach out!
    ANYWAYS I could keep going but i will leave it here for now.
    At the end of the day if planetshakers, or any other church wasnt doing the right thing the church would not propser because we know God is not one to mess with! Even looking at Mike Gugz… many could never have imaged what he was hiding but at the end of the day everything was brought into the light and everything stopped.
    Planetshakers is not a “group” but a church and if that church is covered by the blood of Jesus and you judge it…. your not judging them but your judging Jesus because his blood is covering them!
    Ps im a new christian and would have loved to add scriptures but im still learning everyday by the Grace of God!
  3. teddy says:
    @ Beg To Differ – “In regards to tithing and accusing planetshakers of leeching: I give my tithe because its a biblical principle… 10% belongs to God and we are to BRING IT to the storehouse/his house – its in HIS WORD”
    So you are Jewish, still under the Law?
    No, of course not. You are under grace, don’t believe the erroneous teaching about the 10% tithe. Give, and give generously, the Lord loves a cheerful giver – search the scriptures, see the Truth written there for the New Covenant believer.
    Read this article “Thoughts On Tithing” by John Macarthur ….
  4. Churchman says:
    Beg to Differ. I see you’re a new Christian. Fantastic! That’s great. And it’s great that you found Jesus at Planetshakers and are so happy. Keep reading the Word, praying, and develop deep relationships with other Christians. Cool.
    Just two comments.
    You said, “At the end of the day if planetshakers, or any other church wasnt doing the right thing the church would not propser because we know God is not one to mess with!”
    Actually God lets lost of crazy groups, even non-Christian ones “prosper”, if by that you mean grow in numbers and have lots of money and buildings. Look around. And if Planetshakers or any other church has a decrease in numbers or money, it won’t necessarily mean that God’s blessing has gone. These things happen.
    Second. you said, “God looks at the heart and I would rather look to God and honour his word than worry about how the church is using the money. Because at the end of the day they have to deal with God if they are doing wrong not me! its not faith when you question and worry about where that money is going to.
    I think you have a great heart and a great attitude. But don’t let anyone tell you that you are lacking in faith if you question something. Please! Questions are good. They can save your life.
    Lastly, if you read the article Teddy introduced, and you study the scriptures, and decided that macarthur is wrong and tithing is right, go for it! If you on the other hand, realize that tithing is not a requirement for New Testament believers, don’t throw away everything you have been taught at Planetshakers. I’m sure there are great people there. ANd that they teach a lot of great stuff.
    But one thing I can say is that not a lot of preachers have really studied much about tithing – it was a lot more complex than what you might have been led to believe.
    God bless. And remember mostly reality and truth is somewhere between two extremes
    There’s room between 1. Planetshakers is the best church and nothing is wrong because they are prospering so I shouldn’t question anything and 2. Planetshakers is a money cult where nobody experiences God.
  5. teddy says:
    @ Beg To Differ – this site will give quick, clear answers to many questions including tithing…
  6. Leigh Kennedy says:
    @teddy “So you are Jewish, still under the Law?”
    Of course we are still to follow the Law. Grace doesn’t mean we are exempt from the Law, grace is actually empowerment to go beyond one’s natural ability to follow God. God put the Law there to protect us.
    Just because the Old Testament is way in the past; it doesn’t mean it no longer applies to God’s children who are saved by the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
    @The writer of this article: I’m actually from Planetshakers and they’ve done nothing but encourage me to grow in God!
    I’m sorry you gave out of compulsion. I doubt someone actually put a gun against your head and told you to, hey? I honestly don’t care how right you think you are (along with anyone else). It is for God to judge who wolves on sheep’s clothing are, not us!
    I pray God has dealt with your heart between the time you wrote this, and now. If not, then I pray He will.
  7. Just Another Christian says:
    Actually, Leigh, grace DOES mean we don’t follow the Law. I’m sure Planetshakers don’t teach you to eat Kosher foods. I’m sure you don’t stone people who are adulterers. You see where I”m going?
    I”m not trying to be sarcastic. It’s an either/or situation. Either Law or Grace. Read Galatians. Take a look at the incredibly ignorant man who tried to obey everything in the Bible for a year as a way of dissing it (“The Year of Living Biblically” was his book), or on a more positive note Philip Yancy’s book “What’s So Amazing About Grace?”
    Also it absolutely IS up to us to discern who are the wolves. Why else would Jesus COMMAND us to watch out for them?
    And heads up, Leigh, when you use phrases like “God has dealt with your heart” … it comes across as judgmental. :)

    *credits to:



Planetshakers is a Christian youth movement that began as an annual conference and grew into an international ministry and large church in Melbourne, Australia. The conference was born out of Paradise Community Church in Adelaide, South Australia by Pastor Russell Evans. Planetshakers expanded, and in 2004 moved to Melbourne to begin a church ministry (originally called Melbourne City Church). Planetshakers also has its own bible college which is located in several campuses throughout Australia.
Planetshakers' stated mission is to "empower a generation to win a generation".[1]



Planetshakers runs annual conferences in several Australian states. The first conference held in Adelaide in 1997 had 300 delegates, growing to reach 20,000 nation-wide by 2004.
The 2007 conference period saw Perth, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne as venues, and marking the 11th anniversary. Melbourne, being the primary venue, hosted the conference in Vodafone Arena, part of Olympic Park.

The conferences were held in Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney and Perth in January 2008. Melbourne at Vodafone Arena from 2-5 January 2008; Brisbane 7-10 January 2008 at Brisbane Convention Centre; Sydney 9-12 January 2008 at Sydney Olympic Park in the Sports Centre (formally State Sports Centre); and finally Perth on 15-18 January at Challenge Stadium.
The 2009 Planetshakers conference tour will be moved to April, instead of January as in all past years.
Conference speakers have in the past included Glen Berteau, Jurgen Matthesius, Rich Wilkerson, Mal Fletcher, Pat Schazline, Jude Fouquier, Matthew Barnett, Judah Smith, Reinhard Bonnke, Reggie Dabbs and Chris Hill. With messages containing memorable catch-cries such as "crossing over", "seizing the day" and "breaking out of the box", and "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!". They strive to "empower a generation to win a generation". Young people are often challenged to deeper levels of surrender, repentance, passion, and faith in Jesus Christ.
In September of each year, Planetshakers also runs the smaller Planet Worship conference. Speakers in 2006 included Glen Berteau, Russell Evans, and Henry Seeley. The conference has been held at the Dallas Brooks Centre in Melbourne.
Growing internationally, Planetshakers now also runs conferences in Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa, with a desire to expand to the United States of America. They ministered at Singapore's Faith Community Baptist Church in Singapore Expo's max Pavilion in 2006.
Internationally in 2007, Planetshakers band will play at events in Hong Kong, the USA, the UK, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa.
Planetshakers has also had relationships with Australian Youth Alive events, which often cross-promotes the conference and college to tens of thousands of young people.

City Church

Planetshakers City Church (formerly City Church Melbourne) is a Pentecostal Christian church affiliated with Australian Christian Churches, the Assemblies of God in Australia. The church started when the Planetshakers band and ministry moved to Melbourne in 2004, and currently meets in hired auditoriums throughout Central Melbourne. The church is pastored by Russell and Sam Evans and has attendance over 4000, and throughout most of 2005 ran three services per weekend, commonly approaching capacity. Currently, the church is held at the Dallas Brooks Centre, with two Sunday services, 3:00pm and 5:15pm (both with a full kids program). The church also made use of the Arrow building for baptism services but due to the increased attendance the baptism services have been moved to Richmond AOG Church in Melbourne.
The church's youth ministry called "PlanetBoom" is led by pastors Chad and Tiffany Harding, running Friday nights (7:15pm) during school terms at Collingwood Town Hall or Melbourne High School (check website for details). The youth ministry has become so successful that the Catholic and Anglican churches are looking at adopting Planetshakers' methods.[2]
The church also runs a children's ministry called "Planetkids", led by pastors Rob and Assunta Bradbury, which is held concurrently with the main church service at 3:00pm & 5:15pm. Planetkids also runs an annual children's conference, with the second conference for 2007 being held at Melbourne High School in the September holidays. ("Planetkids goes Space")
"planetUNI" is the church's university students ministry overseen by pastor Matt Fielder and comprises local and international students as well as recent graduates being active in the group. In addition to fortnightly meetings (Urban Life groups), a new outreach event will be held once a month on a Friday night aiming to attract university students.
"Urban Life" groups (basically cell groups) are run fortnightly in homes spread around all parts of Melbourne, offering discipleship and connection with other people outside of Church. They include different age areas, such as kids (held in the Church service each week), teenagers (PlanetBoom), university students (planetUNI), young adults and adults.
There are also various other ministries serving and reaching out to women (Beautiful Woman) and business people (Kingdom Life).


Planetshakers Ministries have set up a bible school for the gifted, aptly named, Planetshakers College. There are several campuses running in most major Australian states. In Perth (WA), Newcastle (NSW), Brisbane (QLD) and Melbourne (VIC). The college is affiliated with Southern Cross College and emphasizes on impartation, not academic learning. They offer a fully accredited course for the Certificate IV in Contemporary Leadership which runs as a year long course. Students can then choose to go on and complete a Diploma version for a second year. The aim of the college is the same as the Planetshakers movement, "empowering a generation, to win a generation". Many well known individuals associated with the Planetshakers conference including Henry Seeley, Russell and Sam Evans, Martin Steele and Mike Guglielmucci serve as guest lecturers during the course of the year.


The Planetshakers band is the central part of their events, bearing a worship-woven modern pop-rock sound attractive to young people. The 2003 Australian Idol winner Guy Sebastian was also a part of the Planetshakers band for several years, taking both lead and backup vocal parts on the 2002 and 2003 albums and conferences. Many of the musicians originated from Youth Alive South Australia, which also released CDs. Some of the songs written by current band members for the Youth Alive albums, such as 'Phenomena' and 'God of Miracles' (from Youth Alive Western Australia) have also featured on Planetshakers earlier albums.
In 2004, their CD Open Up The Gates was nominated for Praise and Worship Album of the Year for the Dove Awards.
Planetshakers announced at their 2008 conference that they would no longer be producing two live albums each year. They instead announced that they will record one live album per year, and they will release tracks via subscription to the "Planetshakers Revolution" - a new online music/resource distribution system designed to consolidate and build upon different products that they already offer. These include backing tracks, music videos, and new releases of CGI "music videos" based on CGI graphics used at Planetshakers City Church and conferences.

Planetshakers TV

A television show, titled Planetshakers TV is currently in production and is scheduled to air on the Australian Christian Channel in 2008. The program will include all-new filmed material as well as Planetshakers songs and preaching from the conferences and church.

See also


External links


News Articles

Arise (Planetshakers album)

Arise is the 2006 studio album by Planetshakers (a youth movement in Australia).
The album was released at Planetshakers City Church in January 2006, and then made available at all Planetshakers Conferences across Australia throughout January.
The bonus CD is a Planetshakers Worship Resource disc containing 3 Arise and 3 favourite Planetshakers songs in split-track format and music charts[1].

[edit] Track listing

  1. "Lift Your Name Up" (words and music: Mike Guglielmucci) – 4:41
  2. "Redeemer" (words and music: Mike Guglielmucci) – 4:07
  3. "Majesty" (words and music: Mike Guglielmucci) – 5:07
  4. "Arise" (words and music: Mike Guglielmucci) – 4:24
  5. "You Are" (words and music: Mike Guglielmucci) – 6:17
  6. "Your Glory" (words and music: Mike Guglielmucci) – 7:14
  7. "Now And Forever" (words: Sam Evans; music: Sam Evans and Mike Guglielmucci) – 5:55
  8. "You Are My God" (words and music: Henry Seeley) – 6:23
  9. "Everything" (words: Evans; music: Sam Evans and Mike Guglielmucci) – 4:56
  10. "My Hero" (words and music: Mike Guglielmucci) – 4:45
  11. "For All You've Done" (words and music: Henry Seeley) – 4:56
  12. "Rain Of Heaven" (words: Evans; music: Sam Evans and Mike Guglielmucci) – 6:16
  13. "Set Me Free" (words and music: Mike Guglielmucci) – 6:26
Bonus CD/Digital Music Book:
  1. "Always and Forever" (words and music: Guglielmucci) – 4:56
  2. "Evermore" (words and music: Guglielmucci) – 9:13
  3. "Running after You" (words and music: Guglielmucci) – 4:58
  4. "Everything" (words: Evans; music: Evans and Guglielmucci) – 4:55
  5. "Arise" (words and music: Guglielmucci) – 4:25
  6. "Your Glory" (words and music: Guglielmucci) – 7:08